Projection alert

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Revision as of 09:13, 26 March 2014 by Martien (talk | contribs) (Need more power? Try the {{usage|four questions}}.)
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{{{wish full}}}


  • You attribute to things and people “out there” qualities that originate in you.
  • You see, hear, or sense in others what your own psyches wish for you to see, hear, or sense, apart from any motive or intrinsic qualities in them.
  • When you project on other people, you find in them clues that remind you of parts of yourself. These could be parts that you detest or deny, or parts that you like very much.


{{{therefore full}}}

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Need more power? Try the four questions to stop suffering and enjoy utter freedom.

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Notice what happens inside yourself the next time a leader stands up in front of a group and says, “My name is so-and-so, and I’ll be running this meeting.” Whether you decide to resist or cooperate depends largely on what you project on that person’s looks, demeanor, and tone of voice.
