Accelerator list

From Pearl Language
Revision as of 12:44, 6 June 2012 by Martien (talk | contribs) (Put manager's name on item when appropriate.)
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…any endeavor.

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{{{wish full}}}

Note that the list must be ordered since it affects a complex system. In a complex system, small changes can have unprecedented impact and massive changes can have little or no impact. In other words, implementing the top item from the accelerator list will change its order.


{{{therefore full}}}

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Jeff Sutherland's slide on moving from where you are now to where you want to go (slow scrum or speed scrum) has one state mentioning “Late, Upset, Pressure, Unhappy”. Martien's thought was “Never, Upset, Tension, and Sour” or ‘NUTS’ for short.