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Latest revision as of 16:28, 22 December 2013

triads and tribes.

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An open space is specifically designed to be open, and maintain a safe space.

An open space gathering begins with a large circle of chairs arranged for opening the meeting and ends when the facilitator closes the meeting. In between, participants convene small group sessions around the stated meeting theme.

The open space meeting format is very tribal and engaging. This type of meeting is specifically designed to be open, and maintain safe space. The closing circle presents the opportunity for participants to describe their open space experience, and close the meeting. Participants in the closing circle often report feelings of high learning, high play, and high engagement with others.

Use open space to:

  • create safe space;
  • enable smooth organizational transitions;
  • generate, mix and re-mix tribal learning and perspectives; and
  • punctuate organizational transitions.

Create a recurring date each year that includes an open space gathering ritual. This recurring cultural event can generate a re-telling of the current story of your organization and re-hydrate the cultural values of openness and honest communication in your tribe.


Create and maintain an open, safe space for high learning, play, and engagement.

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