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Wish Is a property of type string.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Creating value for someone else brings joy and happiness for both the creator and the requestor. There is so much to do. What can you best do?  +
Decision-makers near the action in uncertain situations all need to make decision in a similar direction to achieve a shared goal.  +
Defect-free, high quality products delight customers and will speed you up. Plus, you want to meet your deadlines.  +
Determine the optimum sprint length or batch size.  +
Developing a rich community of practice makes everyone flourish.  +
Drawing highly motivated people to explore new, unforeseen ways to break through an existing challenge brings out the best in all.  +
Elegantly pleasing the real and current needs of your users is fulfilling, gives meaning, and makes everybody happy.  +
Energised people working on outcomes and healthy systems.  +
Even coaching in a hurry can help someone to get unstuck and grow.  +
Ever getting better in getting better requires a learning culture.  +
Everyone wants to have their say heard and the space to speak up. Especially the silent ones do not want to be drowned by the talkative.  +
Execute a strategic shift in the organization as a whole.  +
Facilitate a conversation, ensuring that the other’s meaning and resonance remain wholly in tact, uncontaminated by your words, so it opens the door to change.  +
Feeling comfortable about how to get a thing done  +
Finding a solution for a tough problem unleashes new energy and gets things flowing again.  +
Flow, predictability, throughput, and short time to value make everybody happy.  +
Focussing on what is really important makes everyone's job easier and gets stuff done quicker and better.  +
Full focus of transforming wishes into reality.  +
Get a big thing done.  +
Get a group drifting towards polarization back on track and get on with the business at hand.  +