Product backlog
…you have defined a business segment that will be supported by one or more teams that need strategic technical direction.
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It is important that everyone agrees to what needs to be done next at any given time, and that the agreement be made visible. You can't do everything at once—in fact, you can't even do two things well at the same time. It's important to have focus.
Create a single ordered list of deliverables called product backlog items. The list is called the product backlog. The development team will be driven by the work at the top of the product backlog, and each unit of development staff works from only a single product backlog.
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This list typically corresponds to a single product or product line; however, it can be any list of deliverables.
Annotating each product backlog item with a cost, and a positionally sensitive market value, can help the product owner optimize ROI. The product backlog can also be used to do scheduling and to create a release plan and roadmap.
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See also
To process
- Should be renamed to futurelog or whish list or even product wish list
- A potential increment will be prioritized based on ‘stakeholder value for costs’, with ‘respect to risk’—Tom & Kai Gilb.
- Geoffry Moore: value graph: market cap discounted for risk