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So Is a property of type String.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Distill and publish a believe statement and act accordingly.  +
Do one or two rounds of planning poker.  +
Document a membrane as a container for self-organization  +
Draw attention to human errors or malfunctioning equipment as they occur. Execute the emergency procedure, stop the line, swarm the problem.  +
Establish a main effort, clear victory criteria, and have one unit lead its implementation. Subordinate all work to the main effort.  +
Every day, focus on getting something ready to use for someone else. Set a work in progress limit to increase the number of daily ka-ching moments.  +
Evolve stable, resilient, co-located, and multi-disciplinary development teams and let no one touch it.  +
Express your disagreement while committing to support the implementation of the selected option.  +
Facilitate a retrospective, opening with the prime directive that everyone did the best job they could.  +
Find the sweet spot for best batch sizes by balancing the holding cost with the economy of scale.  +
Fix all bugs in less than a day. Aim to have a completely clean base of code at the end of every day.  +
Focus maximum effort to get the top priority ready to release and celebrate yet another ka-ching moment.  +
Focus on three factors of disproportionate influence in motivating employees—kingpins, fishbowl management, and atomization.  +
Form a triad of tribal leadership based on aligned values where each person is responsible for the quality of the relationship between the other two.  +
Form subgroups that listen to each other’s conversations to discover differences that can be integrated.  +
Foster teams of six plus or minus one so they excel in communication saturation and collective team knowledge.  +
Generate a number of ideas and leave some white space in between for the others to embellish and augment.  +
Get any three levels and any three functions into the same conversation on any issue of mutual concern.  +
Get out all the issues, find out what matters most, and only then explore any solutions and directions to resolve one or more issues.  +
Give people time to come to grips with their feelings before focusing on action.  +